Press Release: New Patent Approved for NCT® Technologies’ Groundbreaking ALP® Technology

Announcement: New Patent Approved for NCT Technology.

Date: 10/15/2024

Dr. Frank Greer, Co-Founder and CTO of NCT Technologies (NCT®) and the Company Have Been Granted a Comprehensive Patent on ALP® Technology.

Patent Subject: Atomic Layer Polishing (ALP®) for Smoothing of Surfaces

Patent Number: US20210313185A1 17/224,037

Patent Abstract: A method for etching a surface including obtaining a substrate comprising a material; “reacting” a surface of a substrate with a reactant, comprising a gas or a plasma, to form a reactive layer on the substrate. The reactive layer comprising a chemical compound including the reactant and the material; and wet etching or dissolving the reactive layer with a liquid wet etchant of solvent that selectively etches or dissolves the reactive layer but not the substrate.

This is a significant milestone for NCT®. This patent is comprehensive, offering NCT® substantial protection in our ALP® production process, chemistry, hardware and certain applications. The patent is supported by NCT’s partnership with Caltech, offering strong, worldwide patent protection. 

If you have any questions please contact Marshall Smith, CEO NCT Technologies at: [email protected]

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